Representative Humanitarian Assistance Projects
Double Storied Learning Centers
Learning Centre
Pipe Water Supply Network
Cyclone Shelters at
Coastal Areas
Core Shelters
Multipurpose Cyclone
Shelters (MPCS)/Schools
Double Storied Learning Centers
Location: Cox;s Bazar District, Bangladesh
Description: Technical Working Group (TWiG) established by UNICEF developed a total of 8 designs to mitigate the scarcity of available space in the Rohingya camps and to increase the rationalization of usage of the existing learning facilities which includes Learning centre for low hazard (1) Learning centre for medium hazard, including two-storey structures (2) Learning centre for high hazard # cyclone resistant, including two- and three-storey structures (5) In consultation with the Inter Sector Coordination Group (ISCG), it was discussed that the medium and high hazard structures could also be used by other sectors, upon approval of the RRRC office. In the first phase 52 medium hazard double storied learning centres were decided to be constructed at different camps. Those are made of structural steel.
ADC Scope: ADC was entrusted by UNICEF for Supervision, Monitoring and Quality Control of construction activities for the facilities of Medium hazard double storied Learning Centers in different Rohingya camps located at Ukhiya and Teknaf of Cox’s Bazar District -
Learning Centre
Location: Cox;s Bazar District, Bangladesh
Description: There was a total of 1453 learning Centre’s as documented by UNICEF, constructed in 2 phases (592 in Phase-1 and 861 in Phase-2). This total of 1453 Facilities was to be found completed by the end of 2018. These facilities were constructed by several NGO partners: BRAC, CODEC, DAM, MUKTI, COAST and Save the Children respectively.
ADC was entrusted by UNICEF for Monitoring, quality assurance and capacity development services for the construction of those learning centres in Cox Bazar which included Design Review, Field inspection and documentation along with pictorial evidence, preparation of O&M Manual, Training Manual, formation of Repair and Maintenance Committee (RMC) with support of UNICEF and training of RMC
ADC Scope: ADC provided design review services to including monitoring and supervision services and Capacity Building services for the assignment -
Pipe Water Supply Network
Location: Cox;s Bazar District, Bangladesh
Description: After the submission of final design drawings by Axis Design Consultants Ltd. (ADC) by the end of October, 2019(on Ten Piped Water Distribution Networks for the selected zones in Camp-7, Camp-14, Camp-15 and Camp-16 respectively), UNICEF approved the design drawings with some feedbacks and had several meetings with DPHE, Dhaka, to initiate the construction work. Finally, they selected a contractor (ABM Water Company) for the construction of three Piped Water Distribution Networks in Camp-7 at the end of December, 2019. ADC was reassigned on January, 2020 as a consultant to play supervisory role on monitoring the quality of construction and to provide technical guidance to the contractor, as needed. The period for the assignment was three months (from January 08, 2020 to March 31, 2020). During this period, ADC personnel were tasked to visit the site and submit the reports every day. They were also assigned to notify if any issue is raised in the field or any deviation is found as per the approved design drawings
ADC Scope: ADC was entrusted by UNICEF for design, drawings, BOQ including Supervision, Monitoring and Quality assurance of the assignment -
Cyclone Shelters at
Coastal AreasLocation::Bhola and Patuakhali, Bangladesh
Description:20 clusters each contain 20 cyclone shelters totaling to 400 numbers of multipurpose Cyclone Shelters each 2 storey RCC construction approximately 475 square metre per shelter at Bhola and Patuakhali district of Bangladesh Responsibilities: Geo-technical and structural design, supervision, resolve constructability issues -
Core Shelters
Location:Pirojpur, Bangladesh
Description:337 numbers of core shelters were constructed at 337 remote locations of Pirojpur, Bangladesh. Each is one storey structure having RCC columns. Due to inaccessibility and difficult locations Pre cast RCC columns along with other construction materials were carried to the sites by boat and head carrying. RCC Grade beams are used as bracings to tie the columns. These one storied shelter houses designed and built to withstand lateral loads like wind and seismic loads. Responsibilities: Geo-technical and structural design, supervision, resolve constructability issues -
Multipurpose Cyclone
Shelters (MPCS)/SchoolsLocation: Different locations of Bangladesh Description: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), manages the design and Construction of several multipurpose cyclone shelters (MPCS)/Schools throughout Bangladesh. This effort is being performed for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Bangladesh Mission. The buildings are two storied reinforced cement concrete structure. The buildings are designed and built to withstand severe climatic conditions like wind, storm, surge, etc. and seismic events as per applicable building codes. These are fully furnished buildings which include maintenance closet items. The facilities are also equipped with rain water harvesting system and solar system.